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Autoimmune Disease & Chronic Inflammation

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Autoimmune diseases occur when an individual's natural immune responses attack the body's own cells. Certain infections, ill-advised medical procedures, and poor diet, as well as genetic susceptibility, all contribute to the development of these issues.

The body is built to distinguish between "self" and "non-self," to attack, destroy, and eliminate non-self while also building and rejuvenating self. The mechanisms that drive natural immune responses become out of balance under certain conditions, such as those mentioned above. The immune response necessitates the recognition of foreign or harmful molecules known as antigens, after which the body takes action to eliminate them. To combat these antigens, the body employs two major immune response mechanisms. These immune responses are classified as "Specific" or "Non-Specific."

Non-specific Immune Response prevents disease-causing organisms from entering the body via the skin, mucous lining, digestive tract, and respiratory passages. Specific Immune Response responds to antigens that have successfully entered the body and can be specifically recognized as foreign or harmful by the body by producing specific proteins known as antibodies that destroy and remove antigens from the body.

Inflammation occurs as the next line of defense when both of these immune response mechanisms fail to provide adequate protection against harmful antigens. Inflammation is a powerful tool that the body uses to fight infection. Most minor infections are accompanied by localized inflammation. Some types of inflammation can be caused by a systemic infection, in which the entire body responds with an inflammatory response. When this happens, the body frequently produces a fever, which causes an increase in white blood cells, which aids in the removal of infection from the body.

Constipation, which is one of the leading causes of disease worldwide, causes chronic inflammation. As previously stated, the body is designed to eliminate substances that it does not recognize. The majority of these substances are eliminated through the bowel. When the bowel isn't working properly, other elimination pathways are taxed and overburdened. Foreign, dangerous, and toxic substances are reabsorbed throughout the body and eliminated through secondary elimination channels such as the skin, lungs, and kidneys as a result. When these secondary elimination channels are overburdened, they become inflamed and exhibit the classic symptoms of autoimmune disease. As a result, proper cleansing and nourishing of the body is critical to maintaining a healthy and regular functioning bowel and digestive tract. To accomplish this, one should use cathartic and demulcent herbs, such as those found in Dr. Sepi Sefy's Bowel Formula, to help strengthen the peristaltic action of the bowel, allowing for smoother waste elimination. Following the mucusless diet and using Dr. Sefy's Vitalerbs formula, which provides the body with added nutrients that help to strengthen weakened and undernourished areas, are two other ways to help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

By Dr. Sepi Sefy PhD whom specialises in Herbal Medicine of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese & Western Herbal Medicine, alongside of Yoga, Nutrition and Phytotherapy.

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