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Little Natural Healing Protocols anyone can do at home!

When we hear natural healing we always think of herbal medicine, but that is not the only type of natural healing one can do to promote over all well being.

The body and mind respond to easy methods that stimulate the body to work better, for instance dry skin brushing helps to open the skin pores and eliminate waste through the skin as well exfoliating the dead skin cells of the surface of the skin, allowing fresh oxygen to be received by the body.

Little methods like the above go along way with healing the body, especially and I mean ESPECIALLY when done with mindfulness. Mindfulness is living in the moment, the here and now, being absolutely aware of yourself from the tips of your fingers to the tops of your toes. Being aware of the movement of the body, the breath and being aware of your emotions. For instance, if you are sitting be aware that you are sitting, hear and feel your heartbeat and observe your breath. All these little observations bring your mind & soul directly into your body and brings peace and joy into your environment.

Below are some natural healing protocols you can safely do at home today!


therapy with warm or cold water to relieve multiple symptoms especially pain. Originated in Ancient Greece where Hippocrates documented his early use and called it hydropathy.

During this time across the globe hydrotherapy was being practised by many cultures

including Ancient Chinese, Roman and Egyptian civilisations. Hydrotherapy was first

introduced to the West in 1940s to treat pain and minor discomforts with cold and hot water


One brilliant hydrotherapy is cold showers! Cold showers kick starts the immune system and promotes fat burning! Even jumping in the cold sea for a few minutes is considered hydrotherapy.

A warm foot bath to relieve symptoms of pain and aches in lower leg especially with restless leg syndrome issues. Hand baths for joint pains in wrists also work a treat! Please remember all natural healing gets more accomplished when combined with mindfulness.


An rectal injections of fluid normally lukewarm water to stimulate the bowel to

empty itself. This method origination is perfectly explained by Dr Doyle ‘’ Legend has it that

Man recognised that cleansing fluids could be inserted into the rectum by watching the sacred Ibis in Egypt. It was seen to take up water in its beak, so curved that it could insert it into its anus to clean out decaying material. The word ‘enema’ is said to have come from a Greek word meaning ‘I throw it in’,

Enemas are a fantastic way to help the colon release toxic waste that is held in the colon walls, especially for those that consume meat, cleansing the colon will assist an overall well functioning of the body. But we know that this is rather scary, I mean inserting anything in the rectum is scary! So don’t worry if this isn’t your thing, you can always come see us for some natural herbal laxatives to promote same.

Skin Brushing

The use of a brush to gently stroke the skin towards the heart which stimulates the skin pores to open up and breath as well expel any toxic waste held within the skin pores. Skin brushing also adds to the stimulation of the circulation associated with lung, stomach and liver meridians. This method originated 5000 years ago in ancient India as form of Ayurveda practises of healing. Although it originated in India it did however spread across Ancient China, Rome and Egypt.

Make sure to brush the skin towards the heart in mindfulness, observe every inch of your skin and fully feel the sensation. Start with the arms, neck back and chest work your way down. Take this time to connect with your beautiful body.


The act of abstaining from foods which originated from at least 5th century BCE with

Greek Physician Hippocrates recommended patients to abstain from food and drink to cure

their illness. Hippocrates had observed animals within the animal kingdom abstain from food when in the time of illness and cleverly adopted this method and his application became successful with humans.

Fasting is great way to use up any unused fats and reserves in the body and cleanse the body completely. Before fasting make sure to research the types of fasts and how long to do it for. If you need some guidance on fasting please don’t hesitate to contact us for a fasting consultation where we can help you plan a fast schedule and help you along your journey. Otherwise spent sometime researching how long too fast for, and what symptoms to look out for that will indicate that fasting is doing more harm than good.

A good beginners fast is 24 hours water fast, where you only drink water and eat at the end of the 24 hours, then gradually do 48 hours water fast and eat a small meal at the end of the 48 hours to gently introduce your stomach to solid food again.

Slant Boarding

The act of lying on a board that is tilted to achieve inversion therapy. This

method promotes the movement of the blood allowing oxygen and nutrition to reach too vital organs at ease. Unknown to its exact origination it is suspected to have started in the Middle East more specifically Persian/Indian roots.

This can be easily done by lying on the floor putting a cushion under your buttocks and lifting your legs against the wall. Many athletes do this to slow the heart rate down after an intense session of training. This will also promote relaxation, reduced anxiety and better sleep!

Rebounding or Trampoline Jumping

The act of jumping on a surface such as a trampoline;

this method is used to kick start the lymphatic system into movement as the lymphatic system is gravity based and does not have its’ own pump unlike the cardiovascular system and does not move unless the body is excited in movement. This is an extremely beneficial activity to get the lymphatic system enhanced to move unused fats out of the system and cleanse itself.

Thank you for reading and Happy Healing Journey!

-The Earth Healer

Healing the Earth one person and animal at a time

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