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Reasons for Going Vegan

For compassion for the animals

There are various reasons to go vegan, and for many people, preventing the exploitation of animals is the driving force behind their decision. One possible explanation is the human tendency to create strong emotional relationships to nonhuman animals. Another is the widespread belief that all sentient species have an inherent right to life and freedom. Putting aside the particulars, shunning animal products is a simple yet effective method to show your opposition to the abuse and exploitation of animals. Find out how going vegan shows your genuine concern for animals by reading this informative summary.

Regarding your health

Vegan diets that are well-planned adhere to healthy eating rules and provide all the nutrients our bodies require. They have been deemed age- and stage-appropriate by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as well as the British Dietetic Association. Some studies have found that vegan diets are associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes type 2, and some cancers.

If you're looking to improve your diet, being vegan is a fantastic way to gain valuable knowledge about food preparation and nutrition. If you're looking to improve your health, switching to a plant-based diet will free up more room in your diet for the entire grains, fruit, nuts, seeds, and veggies that will help you do so.

Earth In the sake of conservation

We're all familiar with eco-friendly practices like recycling trash and taking the bike to the office. Avoiding the consumption of any animal products is one of the most efficient ways to reduce one's impact on the environment. The issue is much deeper than just cow farts!

What is it about animal products that makes them so harmful to the planet?

From the crops and water used to feed the animals to the transportation and other operations involved in getting the product from farm to fork, producing meat and other animal products is extremely taxing on the environment. Meat production's massive demand for grain feed is a major cause of forest destruction, habitat loss, and species extinction. Soybeans for animals in Europe are grown over an area in Brazil equal to 5.6 million acres. Poor people in the developing countries are forced to plant cash crops for animal feed instead of food for themselves because of the scarcity of land. However, a vegan diet requires much smaller amounts of food and water, making it one of the simplest, most pleasurable, and most successful methods to lessen our negative affect on the planet.

Regarding humanity

Plant-based diets are the most ecologically sound way to provide for human families, just as veganism is the most environmentally sound approach to care for our planet. One-third as much land is needed to support a plant-based diet as is needed to support a diet high in meat and dairy. There has never been a better time to adopt a more sustainable way of life than now, with mounting global food and water insecurity due to a plethora of environmental and socio-economic concerns. Avoiding animal products is not just a simple approach to ease pressure on food and other resources, but also a simple way to protest inefficient food systems that have a disproportionate impact on the world's poor.

This is why cutting meat out of your diet isn't enough

Perhaps the situation of dairy and egg farm animals is less well known than that of factory farmed animals. Many male calves, which are of no use to the dairy farmer, must be slaughtered, as must cows whose milk output has declined before they can be used in the dairy industry. Similarly, even "ethical" or "free range" eggs in the egg industry need the "unnecessary" slaughter of male chicks as young as a day old.

Good meat?

It's appealing to think that the meat we eat is morally sound, that the 'food animals' we consume have joyful, carefree lives until they are killed. Even animals sold as "free range" or "organic" share our shared fear of death with every other species on Earth. Fear of death at the hands of the slaughterhouse is universal, regardless of how they were handled while alive.

So here's the good news

The silver lining is that there is something we can do about it. We have the opportunity to aid these creatures with each and every meal we consume, including grocery shopping and restaurant meals. We show our support for farmed animals everywhere when we ditch animal products in favor of plant-based alternatives. More and more individuals from all areas of life are discovering the many advantages of a vegan lifestyle, making it easier than ever to make the transition.

We need to ask ourselves, if we can now live a life that includes tasty food and drink, improves health, reduces our environmental impact, and doesn't entail murdering other species, then why aren't we doing it?

By Dr. Sepi Sefy PhD whom specialises in Herbal Medicine of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese & Western Herbal Medicine, alongside of Yoga, Nutrition and Phytotherapy.

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